Lessons Main?

always accepts "professional words" people need for the kind of work they do together. In our case, we are learning a language, so below are  GrammarTech™ words you need now. If you click on the word, it will take you to the first place that you see it in the Lessons. (You can find your way back here on Lessons Main.)

from Lesson A

Noun: -- a kind of word: a place, a person or a thing
Verb: -- a kind of word: the action of a sentence
Grammar: -- the way words work together
Lesson: -- one part of learning
Present: -- now
Tense: -- the time a sentence happens
Pronoun: -- a word used in place of a noun 
Diagram: -- in  this course, a picture of a sentence 
Exercise: -- doing examples which help you get better 
Subject: -- the person or thing which is doing the action in a sentence
Singular: -- one
Article: -- in front of nouns to show if it is a certain one not noun.htm
Definition: -- what a word means
Language: -- the words we speak and write
Plural: -- more than one.
Click: -- to select (may be touch as well)

from Lesson B

Quiz: -- exercise 
Continuous: -- now and going on and on
Present Continuous: -- a tense. What you are doing right now. 
Octopus: -- it lives in water with many hands
Contraction: -- make something shorter
Wh-question: -- when you have a question word in your question
Pronunciation: -- how to say the words, with which letters, where to put the stresses

from Lesson C

Phrasal Verb: -- a verb with some other words after it and getting a different meaning
Stress: -- the main point of something 
Combination: -- to put together two things and get a different one
Third person: -- he/she/it ; after the second person = you 

from Lesson D

Negative sentence: -- a sentence about something which is not true 
Syllable: -- parts of the words which belong together by sounds 
Exception: -- which doesn’t go with the rest, which differs from the others
Dialect: -- the language as spoken with different kinds of pronunciation in different locations
Rare: -- not often
Possessive pronoun: -- to express with a pronoun that someone has something 
Native English Speaker: -- the person whose first language is English
Apostrophe: (‘) -- a sign we use in contractions, some possessives, and for quotes within quotes 
Vibration: -- a special sound when you are making the same sound for a while 
Teeth: -- they are in our mouths, we use them for eating
Tongue: -- it is also in our mouths, but it is soft, it helps us speak, eat 
Adjective: -- it is a word class, which tells what something or someone looks like 
Pronounce: -- the action of pronunciation 
Silent: -- without any sound
Vowel: -- one of the sounds languages have, they are the vowels: a,e,i,o,u 
Consonant: -- the other sounds languages have, they are the consonants: b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t, 

from Lesson E

Possessive: -- having something 
Possessor: -- the person who has got that something 

from Lesson F

Preposition: -- one kind of word which changes time or place of the word it stands before 
Date: -- it tells us which exact day 
Season: -- a year has 4 seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring
from Lesson G

Future: -- after the present time 
Adverb: -- a word class that can change the meaning of a verb or an adjective.
Affix: - Letters attached to a word that makes a new word (WM)
Prefix: - Letters attached to the front of a word that makes a new word (WM)
Suffix: - Letters attached to the back of a word that makes a new word  (WM)

from Lesson H

Present Simple:
-- It is the name of a tense used for speaking about usual things happening in the present. 

from Lesson I

Imperative: -- when you tell someone else what to do or what not to do 
Mood: -- how you feel; a kind of grammar use 

from Lesson J
(No new GrammarTech™ words.)

from Lesson K

Reflexive pronoun: -- when the pronoun speaks about the person him/herself (myself, yourself) 

from Lesson L

Past Simple: --  a tense we use it when we talk about the past and the action itself is linked to an exact time.
Regular Verb: -- The verbs which follow the basic rule (work – worked) 
Irregular Verbs: -- The verbs which don’t follow the rule, but have their own way to say the same thing (go-went) 
Formula: -- In our case, this shows the general pattern of sentences. Every sentence has one, such as I am happy = S + AM/ARE 

from Lesson M

Present Perfect: -- We use this tense when we want to speak about the present result of an action that happened in the past. 
Past Participle: -- The technical word for the third form of a verb (V3)
Recently: -- Not too long ago
Since: -- From an exact past time until now

from Lesson N

(Lesson N is a mid-point review.)