Present Perfect -- Time Words

1. never  – ever

I have never been to New York. (usually in statements)

Have you ever been to New York?(usually in questions)

(NOT... I haven't never...double negatives equal a positive!)

2. just – recently

I have just made some tea. (between parts of verb)

Peter has bought a house recently. (between parts of verb OR at the end of the sentence)

3. already - yet

I have already eaten my burrito. (S + HAVE + already +V3 in statement)

You haven’t eaten your burrito yet. (at end with negative)

Has David eaten his burrito yet? (at end with question)

4. for – since

I haven’t seen you for 8 years. (a period of time)

I haven’t seen you since 2000. (an exact time)


Lesson M Main?

Recently: not too long ago  

Since: from an exact past time until now