Where were you Sunday?     OK...OK...I was with Mary.

2. Regular - Irregular Verbs (S + V2)

 Regular verbs have rules. These are fairly simple to put endings on. You just add -ed and you are in the past. We talked yesterday. He learned to drive last week. OR  with "y" endings change "y" to 'i" and add - ed.   cry > cried     try > tried

Other verbs are irregular, and that means you have to learn each different form. Irregular verbs change in the past. There are about 300 of these irregular verbs, but they are ones that are used very often. We will have lists of the most-used ones for you at the Lessons Main page.
( go > went,   pay > paid,   come >  came,  drink > drank)

But there is GREAT news! They don't change with persons. Take a look:
I worked yesterday.
You worked yesterday.
She worked yesterday.
They worked yesterday.
I went home yesterday. 

You went home yesterday. 
He went home yesterday.
They went home yesterday.

This is so simple we won't give you an exercise. You will learn the irregular verbs. We know you will. On the Lessons Main page you can find a special part on Irregular Verbs.

Questions and "Did"
Something different here. We are going to start out with an exercise here. (And when you get it right, we will tell you why...:^)

Now, make a "did" question:
did worked she yesterday work does  
_____ _____ _____ _____ ?


Irregular verbs: The verbs which don’t follow the rule, but have their own way to say the same thing (go-went)  (Up)

Regular verb: The verbs which follow the basic rule (work – worked) (Up)

Lesson L Main?