Lesson D Main?


Grammar Music

In Lesson D, we will show two new things, possessive pronouns and plurals.

Possessive Pronouns.
In Lesson C, you learned "have got" so that everyone can "have" somethingNow we will look at possessive pronouns that help you say the same thing in a simpler way.

I have got a big house. =      My house is big.
You have got a big house. = Your house is big.
He has got a big house. =     His house is big.
She has got a big house. =    Her house is big.
It has got a big house. =       Its house is big.
We have got a big house. =  Our house is big.
You have got a big house. = Your house is big.
They have got a big house. = Their house is big.

Note that every verb with the possessive pronouns is "is." Why? Because every verb we show is about "house," and "house" is an "it." The possessive pronoun only tells what kind of house: My House.

Here's a diagram of the first sentence: "I have got a big house."


And here is a diagram of the sentence with a possessive pronoun:


Now try some negatives....

Its and It's - How to look better than a native English Speaker


Possessive pronoun: to express with a pronoun that someone has something  
Native English Speaker: the person whose first language is English