Lesson B Main?


Yes. A sentence is like a song. Grammar is the music of a sentence. It tells us where to put our words. This lesson uses the most musical sound - ING. That's why they use it ING in the word sing! Think about the word singing.

We add ING to an Act to make it continuous. Continuous is a special word that means "go on and on". So I talk turns into I am talking. This means your talk is continuous. (Some people are like that...:):)

Do you remember I am happy in the first lesson? This is like that. You just use AM/IS/ARE with ING - that musical sound! Let's do that here with all the persons:

I      am talking.
You are talking.
S/He is  talking.
We are  talking.
You are talking.
They are talking.

Now, just as before, you may Stop the Talking!

or go to...
Sound Sentence?
Lesson B Main?

Continuous: now and going on and on (Up)