Lesson F Main?


Here are Lesson F's 44 new words!
(Most Used 571-615)

speed    method    pay   section   dress   cloud   surprise   quiet    stone   tiny   climb     cool   design    poor    experiment    bottom    key    iron    single    stick    flat    skin   smile    hole    trade   trip    office    receive    row    mouth    exact    symbol    die   least    trouble    shout    except     seed    tone    join    suggest    clean    break  yard  rise

Added Work Words -  commission  sell  sweater  accessory register  reverse  vent  resist  dimension  rack


And here is your story for Lesson F.......Sounds...mp3?




Gabriella was surprised when Nina called her. "Hi Nina…Tim is still on that long bus trip from work."


"That's OK. I was calling you, not my brother. A friend of mine, Judy, is the manager at a dress store near here. She asked me if I knew anyone who wanted to work there. Are you interested?"


"I wanted to start City College this year, except that I'm very poor right now."


"Then I suggest you talk with Judy," said Nina, with a happy tone, "She pays money. And if you can sell dresses, you receive a commission for every dress you sell."


"Well, I don't exactly know everything about the dress trade."


"You'll come up to speed quickly. And you speak two languages which is wonderful for selling. It's a good symbol for a store in this city."


"Maybe you're right. OK, I'll call her, at least."


Nina gave her Judy's number at the store. And then she called Judy to tell her to be sure to talk with Gabriella. Planting seeds like this was Nina's method of making good things happen.


Judy sounded happy to hear Gabriella the next morning. "Yes, Nina said you might be good here because you speak two languages. Can you come to the store's back office and see me at 11 o'clock tomorrow?"


Gabriella put on her best dress, which was not a very good one, and came to the store at 11. The store was full of people looking through the rows of dresses. Judy was very busy selling dresses, but said a few words to Gabriella. "This never happens. I don't know why so many people are here. Could you wait a while for me? I'm sorry."


"Sure," said Gabriella, "If people want to buy dresses right now, then that's the main thing. I’ll just look around the store for a while."


"Oh, thank you, thank you Gabriella, "said Judy, "This just never happens, getting so many people in here in the morning." She moved off quickly, going back to help the person she had left for a second.


Gabriella felt very poor as she look through all these wonderful dresses. Then she heard a voice behind her.


"Do you work here? Could you help us?" said two of the people close to Gabriella in the same section of the store.


"Well no," Gabriella said quietly, with a small smile. "I was just looking."


They were holding three dresses each. "Could we trouble you to tell us which of these look better for a long trip on a ship?"


Gabriella could see they needed help. "No trouble." She observed as the first person held the first dress up to her tiny body.


"I might say No to that one," Gabriella said. "The color is not good for your skin."


"Oh…oh, maybe you are right. What about this one?" She held up the second dress.


"Better," said Gabriella, moving from one side to the other, her eyes climbing from top to bottom. "Put that one over to the side. But with your tiny body, you might want one with a single pattern in it. Like this one." She took a dress with a pattern of little stones in it, and held it up.


"Really?" Then she turned to the other person. "Mother, I think I want both of these."


"That's no more than a yard of material," said her mother in her first language, "But I thought we came in to buy a dress for me!"


"Now, I think you need a clean, flat design," Gabriella said to her in that language, handing the two dresses over to the girl quickly before looking up and down the mother. She took a longer dress from a larger section. "Now I wish I could put this on myself, but it looks like it might be just right for you."


"It is good-looking," the mother said, holding it up to her body, which had larger dimensions than the girl's.


"It's wonderful on you, mother. And easy to iron."


Gabriella said to the girl in English: "Do you want to try those dresses on while your mother and I experiment a little with some belts for her dress?"


"OK," said the girl and went to changing room with the patterned dress, sticking the first dress back on the rack with the others.


Gabriella looked over at Judy, who was still busy with the same person. Judy rolled her eyes and Gabriella let a little laugh out of her mouth.


"What's funny?" said the mother.


"Oh, I just came in to see Judy, and she's still very busy."


They looked at belts, and other accessories, and then a light weight sweater and a reversible windbreaker that was both vented and water-resistant for cool, windy nights on the ship.


"Mother, I love this dress," the girl almost shouted, coming out of the changing room with the patterned dress on. "It makes me feel like I'm rising on a cloud. I could die for this dress."


"All right," said the mother, "Now I get my turn to try these on."


Both the mother and her girl told Gabriella they wanted everything they tried on.  Now she had a problem. Judy was free now and they went to the register.


"Judy," she said, "I hope it's OK, but these people wanted to buy these dresses."


Judy smiled and put the dresses on the counter. "More than OK…" And then to the girl and her mother: "I hope you were able to see everything you wanted."


"Oh yes," said the mother, as Judy touched the keys on the register.  "Your friend here knew everything we needed."


Gabriella started to say "But…"


Judy cut in with a smile that was too large. "Yes, we're good friends…I was going to try to get her to join us here. But I know she might do better in a larger store…This is just a little hole in the wall."


"It's a great little store," said the mother, "And she might be just right here…She sure helped us."


As soon as they left, Judy said to Gabriella, "What do you think you are doing? This is my store and you come in acting like you are working here. That's like a lie. I think you should leave now, and don't come back."



See and hear these new words in another F-story!

SayIt™ ...so your sounds will be understood!

accessory - items that go along with a main dress or other outfit. (to Story)

bottom -- the lowest or deepest part (to Story)
break -- v. to cause to come to pieces n. a hole made by breaking (to Story)
clean -- adj. not dirty  v. to make clean by removing dirt (to Story)
climb -- to go upward with continuous progress, for example to go up a mountain. (to Story)
cloud -- a white or gray natural body moving by the wind in the sky , from which rain or snow comes.(to Story)
commission - when you are working, this is extra pay based on how much you sell. .(to Story)
cool -- the quality of being at a pleasant low temperature (to Story)
dimension - the size of something: how high, how wide, how deep. (to Story)
design -- a drawing plan (to Story)
die -- to stop living (to Story)
dress -- a piece of clothing for women or girls (to Story)
exact -- complete agreement with reality (to Story)
except -- not included (to Story)
experiment -- a test to find out something (to Story)
flat -- n. a series of rooms in an apartment house adj. an even smooth surface (to Story)
hole -- an opening into or through something (to Story)
iron -- a grey metallic element (to Story)
join -- to put together or become part of something (to Story)
key -- an instrument that locks and unlocks (to Story)
least -- what is less important than anything else (to Story)
method -- a way of doing something (to Story)
mouth -- the opening in the human face through which food is taken (to Story)
office -- a place of business (to Story)
pay -- v. to give what is due  n. money you get for your work (to Story)
poor -- having little money (to Story)
quiet -- silent, peaceful (to Story)
rack - a holder for things people want to look at simply, such as many dresses in a store. (to Story)
receive -- to take or get (to Story)  
register -- n. a place where money is kept when there is a sale. v. to put in your name and other things to join an activity. (to Story)
resist - to stop something from coming in (to Story)
reverse --turn something around (to Story)
rise -- v. to move up  n. a higher place (to Story)
row -- a line of people or things (to Story)
section -- a part, a division (to Story)
seed -- the thing from which a flower or vegetable grows (to Story)
sell -- to take money for something you give someone (to Story)
shout -- to make an extremely loud sound with the mouth (to Story)
single -- one only (to Story)
skin -- the covering of the body (to Story)
smile -- to look pleased (to Story)
speed -- distance travelled in a given time (to Story)
stick -- v. to push into something   n. a long piece of wood (to Story)
stone -- n. a rock or a rock surface (to Story)
suggest -- to propose or recommend (to Story)
surprise -- an unexpected thing (to Story)
sweater -- something to put on the top part of your body when you are cold. (to Story)
symbol -- something that represents something else (to Story)
tiny -- extremely small (to Story)
tone -- any sound considered with respect to its quality (to Story)
trade -- n. an exchange v. giving one thing for another thing, such as the business of buying and selling (to Story)
trip -- a traveling experience (to Story)
trouble -- a problem or difficulty (to Story)
vent -- an opening to let air in or out.  (to Story)
yard -- n. a unit of length (=3 feet) or  a piece of land enclosed for a special activity (to Story)

  1. experiment: do/make an experiment…make an experiment happen. "We should do an experiment to see if we can go without food."


  1. smile: smile at someone…look at someone when you smile. "Hey...She smiled at me!"


  1. trouble: be in trouble…do something people don't like "We will be in trouble if we drive too fast."


  1. except: except for something…something stops a thing from happening. "I would take you home except for your boyfriend."


  1. break: break a recordgo over the amount of the best record before. "He will break the record for catching the biggest fish of the summer."



There are a few different ways to talk about language. Parts of Speech are useful to name the kinds of words we use. You know some of them already. Here are all 8 of them together (click for detail):
1. Verb
2. Noun
3. Pronoun
4. Preposition
5. Adjective
6. Adverb
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection

1. Verb - the action or state of something
be, am, are, is, was, were are some state words.
He is a teacher.
like, run, sing, take are some action words.
They like Mary.


2. Noun - a person, place, or thing
John, hand, house, Korea and Paris are all nouns.
likes his house in Paris.


3. Pronoun -
use in place of a noun
I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and none  are Pronouns.
I like it.
There are many kinds of pronouns for many uses. Other Pronouns include: who, me, your, that, everyone, his, and myself.


4. Preposition - ties a noun or a verb with another word.
Prepositions go with nouns of time or place.
to, at, over, with, in, before
, and through are Prepositions.
Tom is flying in his plane over the mountain.
Prepositions go with verbs in Phrasal Verbs.
get up, take off, put in, and bring out are all Phrasal Verbs with Prepositions.


5. Adjective - tells about a noun.
a/an, the, red, good, 12, and shining are all adjectives.
A heavy man ran into the red house.


6. Adverb - tells about a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
loudly, happily, quite, and sadly are adverbs.
A heavy man ran very quickly into the bright red house.


7. Conjunction - ties words or sentences or clauses together
and, but, because, since and therefore are all Conjunctions.
John and Bob stayed at home because Barbara and Mary were shopping.


8. Interjection - a word or a few words of emotion or statement. May be inserted in a sentence.
"Help!" "OK." "Ah ha..." and "Well..." are all Interjections.
"Hey, there...", "Say..." and "Freeze" are Interjections as well.

Lesson F Main?