Lesson S Main?

Lesson S - Grammar Music

We are always comparing things. That is why we have the two parts of speech we call modifiers. Modify means "to add to or change" something to make it different. 

1. Adjectives MODIFY nouns.
Man - (...just any man?)
THE man... (....how is he different?)
The big man... 

We also have phrases and clauses that also MODIFY nouns. They are like adjectives with more words. Take a look:
The big man in the car (Prepositional Phrase) is my father.
The big man who is driving the car (Relative Clause) has three daughters.

Don't be confused...You have seen all of these before. These are all modifiers of nouns, whether they are in one word or several.

 Now, what do adjectives modify?
Verbs Nouns Adverbs Prepositions Adjectives