Lesson M words?

Main Words    ....Sound .mp3?

 In Sentence Stress, the Main Words are a great tool for your listening and for your pronunciation. Listen to this sentence:



Watch the man and let's do that again: 

You can almost understand this sentence if you hear the Main Words:  MARK   SEE   GAME   SCHOOL

The Main Words are the words in a sentence which carry most of the meaning. A good speaker will stress the Main Words in a sentence, because those Main Words are the most important ideas.

Now you try to pick out the Main Words in these three sentences:

Jeanne is the girl with her coat in her hand.

What are the days when you work in the store?

Tom will play in the sand at the lake.

Ok the first one: Jeanne is the girl with her coat in her hand.  JEANNE   GIRL  COAT  HAND  ...You can almost understand from just the stressed words can't you? OK the next one:

What are the days when you work in the store?  WHAT   DAYS   WORK   STORE    One more and you've got it!

Tom will play in the sand at the lake.    TOM  PLAY  SAND  LAKE

So you see how the Main Words are stressed. In the next SayIt, we will see how Main Words are like the "beat" in music.

Until that time, just listen for the "beat"!

Lesson M words?

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