Lesson I Main?


Lesson I - 44 New Words (most-used 704-747)

allow   block   born   camp   chance   chart   company   continue   cotton   current   dead deal  desert   enter   event   fresh   gather   gun   hat   invent   level   lift   major   noise   opposite   print   property   quart   search   sell   send   shine   shoe   shop   spot   spread   stretch   suit   swim   term   throw   truck   wife   yellow


 + Business words:   replace   recruit   accumulate    reject   bench   extract    arise   curious   recommend


And here is your Lesson I Story.........Sound....mp3?




Jerry had been a good supervisor, but he was let go when there was a major fire in the warehouse. Fabian had really started that fire, because he was careless, and did not listen. Jerry had born all the blame.


"Jerry allowed the dangerous operation and the company lost valuable property" Mr. Wilson, the warehouse manager told Tim as they entered the warehouse.  Tim waited that morning to see who the company would find to replace Jerry.


Fabian came in. "Hey, man!" he said, his smile shining.


"I'm happy to see you are still here," said Tim. "After that event yesterday, I thought there was a good chance they would send us both away."


"No way," said Fabian. "We have a better deal now."


"I guess they have to search for someone to fill this spot now," said Tim.


"Not any more."


"Really?" asked Tim. "Do they have a fresh face for us so soon?"


"You're looking at him."


"Right," Tim started laughing. "They recruited you!"


"What are you laughing at?"


"I wonder who they'll really throw in here now to be supervisor?" Tim asked.


Fabian's face turned red. "What's this noise! You've got me!"


"Oh," Tim saw that Fabian was did not invent this.


"I thought you'd like that, if I continue here as the current supervisor."


"So it's for sure? You were able to sell them on that?"


"They printed it on the chart." Fabian spread out a yellow chart, level on the table. "So it's my shop now, at least for the near term."


"Ok," said Tim, "So…what work do we do now?"


"We have to gather the burned wood and bad boxes and put them on palettes opposite the good boxes."


"Well," Tim said, stepping forward. "Help me lift these."


"Uh, you lift…" said Fabian.  "I'm the supervisor. I'll supervise."


The rest of the day Tim lifted and Fabian stretched his body out on a bench and supervised. Tim thought Fabian might be dead but Fabian would arise occasionally. The only work Fabian did was to pull aside a few boxes before they were loaded on the truck.  They were filled with different items: swim suits, hunting guns, quarts of soft drinks, shoes, cotton dresses, sun hats, and camping tents.


"What are those boxes for?" asked Tim.


"Uh, something wrong with them. They tell me to extract all the rejects, to block them from going out to stores."


"Does somebody come to get them?" Tim was curious now.


"Uh, yeah the company picks them up. My brother's wife does that."


"Where does she take them?"


"To some reject warehouse, I don't know, really." Fabian said. "Hey, it's like a desert in here. I need some water. Let's both take a break now."


Tim rolled his eyes again. "You've been taking a break all day."


Fabian smiled. "Well then, I'll take a break from my break."


"Hey, how did you get to be supervisor?"


"My brother recommended me, after he recommended that Jerry should get fired."



 This lesson, Wordmaker™ talks about Prefixes. With a few letters added to the first of a word, you can make many new words. Simple. Promise.

SayIt™ will help you master another difficult sound!

Go to I - Story #2 for more listening and reading practice.

accumulate -- to gather things over a period of time (to Story)
allow -- to permit (to Story)
arise -- come up from a lower position (to Story)
bench -- a piece of equipment for people to sit on, or place tools upon (to Story)
block -- n. a space in town within 4 streets v. to stop the way (to Story)
born -- brought into existence. also borne if not babies. (to Story)
camp -- a shelter for a short time (to Story)
chance -- a possibility or opportunity due to a good combination of conditions (to Story)
chart -- n. a map, or, a display of information (to Story)
company -- persons usually together who make up a group; also a business (to Story)
continue -- to keep up (to Story)
cotton -- soft white vegetable used in making clothing (to Story)
curious -- questioning and trying to discover things (to Story)
current -- belonging to the present time (to Story)
dead -- no longer living (to Story)
deal -- the act of buying or selling (to Story)
desert -- a dry area without trees (to Story)
enter -- to come or go into (to Story)
extract -- to take something out (to Story)
event -- a happening (to Story)
fresh -- new, not old (to Story)
gather -- to bring or come together (to Story)
gun -- a weapon with a metal tube to shoot bullets (to Story)
hat -- a covering for the head (to Story)
invent -- to make for the first time ever (to Story)
level -- position (to Story)
lift -- to raise in a higher position (to Story)
major -- of greater importance (to Story)
noise -- loud sound (to Story)
opposite -- place face to face or back to back (to Story)
print -- to reproduce things on paper (to Story)
property -- any thing or things owned (to Story)
quart -- a unit of liquid (to Story)
recommend -- tell someone that something or someone else is good (to Story)
recruit -- search for people and ask them to joint you (to Story)
reject* -- n. - something that is not good enough to be with similar things.  v. reject to say "no" to something someone asks you  (to Story)
replace -- put something back where it was before (to Story)
search -- to look for, or to check in hopes of finding something (to Story)
sell -- to exchange for money (to Story)
send -- cause to go to some other place (to Story)
shine -- to send out light (to Story)
shoe -- covering of a person's foot (to Story)
shop -- a place where one buys goods (to Story)
spot -- an exact point (to Story)
spread -- cover or cause to cover a large area, as in a picnic with food (to Story)
stretch -- to make longer by pulling (to Story)
suit -- a set of clothes to be worn together (to Story)
swim -- to move through the water like a fish (to Story)
term -- a limited or fixed period of time; also a condition of sale(to Story)
throw -- send through the air by a movement of the arm (to Story)
truck -- like very large car to transport loads (to Story)
wife -- a married woman (to Story)
yellow -- the color of gold (to Story)

  1. allow: allow someone to do a thing (let them do it), OR to be allowed to do something (be let by someone else).


  1. change: take a chance on, do it because it is a possibility.


  1. spread: spread out your money on the table; so you can see all your money at one time.


  1. term: In terms of money - I have nothing. In terms of happiness,  I have a lot.  

