Present Simple "Wh" or "Open Questions"

If we say Does Peter like Susan? we ask about a certain person. The answer is will be Yes or No.  These are called "Closed Questions").

But if we don't have a person in mind, we might say Who does Peter like? Then maybe the answer is Susan, or maybe someone else.  So, "Wh" words begin sentences that don't have the answers inside them: "Open Questions."

(What beer) does Peter drink?  (All of them....)
(Which car) does Barbara drive? (Perhaps the red one...)
(Where) does John work?  (In town, in the red building...)

The rule for "Wh" Questions is:  Question word(s) + do+S+V1.


Time Words and the Present Simple

 Because Present Simple does not deal specifically with now, we need help placing the Present Simple verbs in time.  So we use Time Words like: always, often, never, sometimes, and others with the Present Simple to give a general idea of when the verb happens. But where do you put these words?

1. Statement
David   often    drinks beer.
   (S  + Tword  + V1) 

2. Negative Sentence
  I     don't     often  drink beer. 
(S + don't + Tword + V1

3. Question
 (What time) do you   usually   eat?
   (QW)  +    do + S+  Tword   + V1

End of Lesson H Grammar

For more on the rules of word order, see our TenseMaster™ in Lessons Main.


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