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N2V2A - Noun to Verb to Adjective

Did you ever wonder which came first, the noun "price" or the verb "price?" one got to be the other? It happened because -- in less than a second -- you can make a noun into an adjective or a verb, or the other way around.

Our friend at the market has fresh vegetables. How much should he ask his customers for them? He must first "price" the vegetables, a verb.

Then that becomes the "price" of the vegetables, a noun. He shows us the "price" on a "price sticker" and so "price" has become an adjective.

Here's another one:

Starting as a noun, "truck" becomes the verb "truck" when you decide to take something by truck,


and then the adjective: "truck driver" stops at the "truck stop" because he saw a "truck stop sign". Whoa...Was that last one an adverb?

If you want to use an adjective (A2V2N), try "green." We "green" (verb) our neighborhoods by picking up our refuse. And people hit that little round ball on the "green" (noun).

Now you do it! Try these 8 common ones to begin with:


Start where you want, and use each word as a noun, a verb, and an adjective. These should be easy!

In this next list of 4, there may be a few that have never been done before. But your creative use of them as three parts of speech should be accepted by any native English speaker.  (Perhaps with a laugh, but accepted.)

BACKDOOR - take in the back door
SPECIAL - put on "special" pricing
DOWNSIZE - the result of sizing "down"
FLASHLIGHT - discover surprisingly
When you master this, you will own one of the secret edges to Wordmaking. You will be able to make 3 times the number of basic words you have -- in one creative second.

(This was lifted from 

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