Lesson W Main?

Lesson W - Grammar Music

The best thing about the Conditional is that you have a lot of help.

Remember the Helping Verbs Can, May, and Must?
They turn into Conditional helpers when you need them most.
Here's how that works:

Could you help me to fix my car? (If you like me...)

Yes, I could. (If I like you....)

Well, would you? (If you feel like it...)

I may. (If I feel like it....)

You should. (If you don't want me to feel bad...)

Do you see? These sentences are each Conditional Mood, but...the IF Clause is understood. Now you can understand a lot more. And now you will hear people using the Conditional all day long.

Let's start with the good old CAN. The question above said "could." It has been a past form. However, NOW in the Conditional it actually becomes a Possibility form of the Conditional. (Remember the 3 WHYs - Probability [90%] Possibility [50%] and TOO LATE.)

So here is a reasonably Probable Future (90%):
If I can earn some money, (S + CAN + V1) I can go on a trip. ([then] S + CAN + V1)

However, if we say "could" we are saying it is only a Possible Present (50%):
If I could earn some money,
(S + COULD + V1) I could plan on a trip.([then] S + COULD + V1)

So you see we are using the word "could" as a conditional, but with other verb rules the same.

Now you can practice changing the Probable Future to the Possible Present. Take this sentence:
(S + CAN + V1 + [then] S + CAN + V1)
If I can fix my car, I can drive to the city.

And now change it to the Possible Present.
(S + COULD + V1 + [then] S + COULD + V1)
could car fix I drive if will
If ____ ____ _____ my car, ____ ____ ____ to the city.