Lesson S Main?

Lesson S - (1144-1187)
nowhere    lend    holiday    dismiss    delicate    awake    tea    false    shirt    butter   reward    forbid    swallow    regret    soap   blade    trick    treasure    poison    shame    feather    debt    stamp    float    brick    rice    rob    pen    rescue    crush    tribe    bleed   autumn    skirt    interfere    explode    flag    resign    postpone    button    shelf     basket     wreck    obey   


Business Words: inspect   distribute  economy   anticipate   slice   absorb   drill   stir   stare   pants   cart


And here is your story for Lesson S..........Sound.mp3?




Gabriella and Nina rescued Tim that night, lending their help with his plan on the kitchen table.


"So you need 3 persons to inspect, pick up, and distribute the rough parts to different people who are waiting for them?" Nina said, stirring her rice  tea.


"Yes," said Tim, "And the trick is, I will be making a schedule every day because different smoothing tools are best for different jobs."


Nina thought for a moment. "And these three people can't be too delicate. They have to be strong enough to carry parts. But could you use women? "


Tim smiled at his sister, who was slicing a brick of butter.  She cut her finger and was bleeding a little. "I hope that blade is not poison and you can wash off your finger with some soap So, do you want the job?"


"Seriously," said Gabriella, "Can you use women?"


"Maybe," answered Tim. "These parts are not light as feathers, though. But it's possible, if a woman can carry around 30 lbs all day long, then maybe. There is nowhere I know of that women are doing that, though."


"Could they use carts?" Nina drilled.


"Yes," answered Tim, "But what about clothing?"


Gabriella had the answer: "For safety, they couldn't wear dresses or skirts. Either they would be loose, and catch in machine belts, or they would be tight and interfere with all the lifting. They would have to wear work pants. Don't send them to my store," she laughed.


After lots of questions, the 3 of them had Tim's 2-page plan for Jerry all ready. Early the next day, he left it in Jerry's In-basket as he went to his work station.


"Got a minute, Tim?" Jerry asked Tim a little later, standing next to Tim's desk.


"Sure." Tim swallowed hard. He hoped he would not be crushed again. He hoped he would not regret this plan.


"This plan looks pretty good. You really think you can schedule things so you get economies of scale?"


"It just seemed like it would be possible. But 'economies of scale?' I don't exactly understand."


"Oh, you understand," Jerry said. "You just don't know all the right words yet. But that's the easy part."


"Well, it seemed liked similar jobs should be on the same shelf."


Jerry stared at the plan some more. "It's a shame we didn't think of this sooner. Now we'll have to postpone starting it until after the autumn  holiday coming up."


"Well, that will give me some time to get three people.," Tim said.


"Right," Jerry said. "Do you think you could do it with two people instead of three?"


Tim wanted to obey, of course. "Yes, it wouldn't wreck anything if I float two people between the 3 work areas."


"I can see you really need three. I have an idea. Sometimes you rob one area to get the overall rewards. Now if the only way you could get three was to hire a woman, would you explode? "


"No, except that either the belts on the machine would cause danger for a loose skirt, or lifting would be hard in a tight one. We would have to forbid that. But if she'd resign herself to wearing a shirt and pants, that could be OK."


Jerry thought. "That's not false. We certainly have to anticipate any safety problems. Now, there's a woman we were going to dismiss who could be the third member of your little tribe there."


"Dismiss?" said Tim, suddenly wide awake. He was remembering that Jerry should have dismissed Fabian.


"Well, she's a real treasure. Really bright and hard working. Always cheery. But her job was absorbed by a computer and she couldn't lift enough to work in the warehouse."


"My people could use carts, maybe with little flags on them," offered Tim.


Jerry smiled broadly. "OK…good. You've really got a Can Do attitude. Let's see how your hiring goes on the other two. I'll take up a pen and request that we send Carmelita over this afternoon. I have to stamp my approval on it but that won't take long."


Tim knew then that he was in debt to Gabriella and his big sister.


Another Story? More Ready-to-Use?


WordMaker™  lets you make even more words with easy endings!


absorb -- pull something into, as a cloth absorbs a liquid (to Story)

anticipate -- think ahead about something (to Story)

autumn -- the season between summer and winter, the fall (to Story)
awake -- to stop sleeping (to Story)
basket -- a small container (to Story)
blade -- cutting part of anything like a knife (to Story)
bleed -- to lose blood (to Story)
brick -- a block of hard material used in building (to Story)
butter -- a yellow fat food made from milk (to Story)
button -- a small disk on a piece of clothing, to keep it closed (to Story)
cart -- a box with wheels to carry things  (to Story)

crush -- to press with violence (to Story)
debt -- something owed (to Story)
delicate -- pleasing and easily damaged (to Story)
dismiss -- to send away (to Story)
distribute -- give out to several places  (to Story)

drill -- pushing straight into, as with a tool turning into a piece of wood to make a hole  (to Story)

economy -- trying to save money or other things  (to Story)

explode -- to burst or cause to burst suddenly and violently (to Story)
false -- not true (to Story)
feather -- covering of the birds (to Story)
flag -- a piece of cloth used as a symbol of an organization or country (to Story)
float -- to be suspended on water, in space (to Story)
forbid -- to order not to do something (to Story)
holiday -- a day on which work is suspended by law or custom (to Story)
inspect -- look at closely for good order (to Story)

interfere -- to come between so as to be in the way (to Story)
lend -- to let another have or use for a time (to Story)
nowhere -- in no place, at no place (to Story)
obey -- to do what one is ordered (to Story)
pants -- clothing with legs  (to Story)

pen -- instrument for writing with a liquid (to Story)
poison -- a substance that is very dangerous to health (to Story)
postpone -- to delay until a future time (to Story)
regret -- to feel disappointed about (to Story)
rescue -- to save from danger (to Story)
resign -- to give up (to Story)
reward -- a return made for something done (to Story)
rice -- food grown throughout the world (to Story)
rob -- to steal from (to Story)
shame -- a feeling of having done something wrong (to Story)
shelf-- a flat piece of wood or metal to hold things such as books (to Story)
shirt -- piece of clothing for the upper body (to Story)
skirt -- a piece of clothing that covers the low part of the body, used by women (to Story)
slice -- cut thin pieces off a larger piece (to Story)

soap -- n. a substance to help clean or wash  v. the act of putting on soap (to Story)
stamp -- v. a small piece of paper to put on letters as payment v. to press down hard to leave ink print (to Story)
stare -- look at someone straight, without your eyes looking away (to Story)

stir -- move a liquid around in a cup (to Story)

swallow -- to pass food from the mouth to the stomach (to Story)
tea -- a drink made from tea leaves (to Story)
treasure -- valuable things (to Story)
tribe -- a social organization or division (to Story)
trick -- something done to lead someone in the wrong direction (to Story)
wreck -- v. steer a machine into a place where it is broken  n. a machine totally out of order (to Story)