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SUFFIXES 2 - Making Verbs with Endings

Now we will make "actions" from "things" and "qualities."

1. Nouns to Verbs: Take a "thing" we want to make into an "action".  To make something "human" we add human to -ize = humanize.  (-ise in British spelling) Here are some more:
hospital + ize = hospitalize
liquid + ate = liquidate

2. Adjectives to Verbs:
We take a "quality" we like and add an ending to make an "action:"
central + -ize = centralize
black + -en = blacken
legal + -ize = legalize

Sometimes the basic word is changed to take the ending.
regular makes regulate by dropping the -ar and adding -ate.
Difficult ....but you won't see this often, we hope.

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