Lesson Q words?SayIt Q

We've Got Rhythm!    ....Sound .mp3?

Sentence Rhythm is the easy name for Sentence Stress and Main Words and Frame Words and Upbeats and Downbeats, all together.

OK, on each one of these next sentences we'll show you the basic sentence then the Main Word Sentence, and finally the Downbeat Sentence, so you can see what is happening. Here's the first one, say this after me:

Mary had gone to study in London, but she liked only sports and the people who played them.    

Now, look at the Main Words you say after me:
had gone to study in London, but she liked only sports and the people who played them.

So you could see the Main Words: Mary gone study London liked sports people played  and the Frame Words were: had -- to -- in -- but she -- only -- and the -- who -- them. These Frame Words are necessary to make the Grammar Music around the Main Words. They make the complete thought.

Now, look at the Downbeat syllables as you say after me:
MARy had GONE to STUdy in LONdon, but she LIKED only SPORTS and the PEOPle who PLAYED them.

OK, here is another one, after me: Who is the boy that lives next door to the shopping center?  

Now let's look at those Main Words:  Who is the boy that lives next door to the shopping center?      Who   boy   lives   door   shopping   center.   

And now do these Downbeats after me. WHO is the BOY that LIVES next DOOR to the SHOPing CENter?

Now say these after me for practice and understanding:

Please do not open that bottle in the office.

There are people who can't find a song in their hearts.

The snow in the mountains will probably be beautiful.

OK...You can't get away from the man with the drum. Let's say that one:

You can't get away from the man with the drum

When you think that this language is too hard for some

You might wonder, during the Upbeat part,

If that pounding and pounding is only your heart.
In the next SayIt lessons, we will look at more Rhythms -- in writing and in lots of other ways, because Rhythm might be the most important thing you can do for your pronunciation.

Lesson Q words?SayIt Q

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